5 Summer Cake Flavours to Make the Most of This Year!


When it comes to favourite summertime snacks, cakes and cupcakes are the most popular choice, and for good reason too! As it gets warmer outside, who doesn’t love sitting by the beach with a good book in one hand and some cake in the other? 

This is why today, at Gladys’ Gourmet Cakes, we will be talking about some of the best summer cake flavours, so that you know the best summer cake flavour combinations to choose. 

5 Summer Cake Flavours to Try This Summer 

1. Lemon Cakes

Summer and lemons go hand in hand, lemon is the traditional summertime flavour. Lemons can easily be paired with a lot of other flavours to create a sweet, tangy combination. 

For example, lemon can taste delicious when combined with flavours like strawberry, mint and ginger. Bakers usually add lemon zest to get a lemony tang, but you could also try limoncello liqueur.

While this is an unconventional method, it can help you to achieve a more enhanced lemony flavour. With limoncello liqueur, the flavour is a tad bit sharper when compared to lemon zest, so it authentically brings out the sweetness of your cake.

However, if you’re looking for the best cake flavours for summer, the experts and Gladys’ Gourmet Cakes suggest that you try blueberry and pink lemonade flavours. 

2. Exotic Berries

Adding any type of berry to a cake mix is always a good idea. Some great berry combinations are strawberries and blueberries, but if you’re looking for unique summer cake flavours, you may also like acai berry cakes.

When it comes to berry based summer cake flavours, there is quite a lot that you can do with strawberries. A strawberry mousse cake works especially well for the summer season as it is a cold cake that can be enjoyed even more in the hotter months.

If, however, you want to go down the traditional cake baking road, you could also go for a basic, but classy, strawberry buttercream cake or a chiffon cake. It doesn't really matter what you choose, berry based cakes provide the best summer cake flavours and will definitely leave you wanting more. 

3. Margarita

The Margarita, a classic summer drink, can now be incorporated into your cake! 

If you are someone who enjoys sipping margaritas by the beach while you’re getting a glorious tan, you will definitely love a margarita cake. Considered one of the best summer cake flavour combinations, the margarita cake can be refreshing and light while maintaining a delicious taste.

This cake usually comes in the form of a chilled cheesecake or cupcakes and can be paired with a drink or a snack. It also works well for parties as it leaves an impression on guests with its luxurious taste. 

Your margarita cheesecake can have a savoury pretzel crust or layers of lemon zest and buttercream. It works either way and is one of the best summer cake flavours that you should try at least once this summer. 

4. Orange and Peach

Over the years, oranges have made their way onto the list of the best summer cake flavours for their zesty, tangy, citrusy taste. The flavour might appear to be similar to lemon, but oranges are known to be on the sweeter side. 

Orange as a flavour goes especially well with dark chocolate, which is why they are usually paired up together in cheesecakes or loaf cakes. 

Similarly, peach is the perfect summer cake flavour if you like your cakes to be a little fruity. You can pair peaches up with cherries or plums, or even almonds. You could also go for a peach cobbler or enjoy your peach cake with some ice cream. 

5. Earl Grey 

This one is especially for all of the tea lovers out there. It may be difficult to enjoy a cup of steaming, hot tea when the weather is already warm. However, earl grey cakes are the perfect solution to this problem. 

One of the best cake flavours for summer also includes the earl grey cake, which retains the aromatic earl grey flavour, even when combined with lemon or other citrus fruits. 

Earl grey cakes can be enjoyed with cream cheese or honey for an afternoon tea snack. 

Choose Gladys’ Gourmet Cakes—For All of Your Summer Cake Cravings

If you are looking for the perfect cake shop in Northampton for all of your summer cake cravings, get in touch with us right away!

We offer custom cakes for all occasions and also provide a cupcake delivery service in Northampton. Give us a call to place your order now!